After the hype of all the Lush Winter Products and of course the Lush Boxing Day Sale - which in the UK we get 50% off online and in stores, we think everything is settling back down when we get the introduction of Lush Valentines Products.
Of course we do not get loads of products, like we do for Winter but we get some awesome limited edition products in order to celebrate the season of love. I was so excited to get my hands on some of the new products and try them out.
Lush Valentines 2016
Lover's Lamp Bath Bomb
If you remember Lava Lamp - which came out as part of the new products for Lush Oxford Street - but was taken off the shelves due to a problem - but I have heard is coming back for Lush Spring - this product has a similar design to it. For a simple product, it is really effective and packs a lot of in scent. I have fallen in love with this product due to the fact is smells exactly like Terry's Chocolate Orange - which are my favourites. The little love hearts, are bath oils - which works in the same way as the Yog Nog Bath Bomb which came out for Lush Winter. When the bath bomb fizzes away - quickly the little heart oils are released adding a lovely oil to the bath which is amazing for your skin. Unlike other bath bombs, in which the scent stays for a bit and then wonders off - the scent lasts the entire time you are enjoying the bath - a massive bonus in my book - especially as it's chocolatey goodness. It contains: Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter, Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute, Brazilian Orange Oil, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Castor Oil, and Red Edible Hearts. For a simple design, I found it extremely effective and might pick up one or two more before Valentines is over. For this Bath Bomb: £4.25.

Prince Charming Shower Cream
Now, they brought out Prince Charming Shower Gel last year - which I fell in love with last year and stocked up. I was so pleased when I saw it was coming back this year - however I was even more pleased to discover that it had been improved and turned into a shower cream - making it more amazing than the previous year shower gel. What strikes me about this shower cream, is the brilliant bright pink colour - which is amazing especially for the season of love. What I have found about this Shower Cream, it is much thicker than your typical shower gel or the other shower creams which have come out in the Lush Oxford Street Store. I am so pleased I went for the 500g bottle and hopefully I won't use it all quickly. The Shower Cream contains: Marshmallow Root, Fair Trade Vanilla Pod Infusion, Fresh Organic Pomegranate Juice, Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter, Grapefruit Oil, Sandalwood Oil, and Geranium Oil. Even though I know what it contains, there is something about this scent I cannot put my finger on, however it is extremely intoxicating as well as being nourishing to the skin. For this Shower Cream: £4.95 for 100g, £9.75 for 250g, £16.50 for 500g and £27.95 for 1kg.

Love Spell Massage Bar
Unfortunately, this particular product is not widely available due to that fact it is a Lush Oxford Street Exclusive. I am lucky enough to have my sister who lives in London pick this up for me to try out. Now when it comes to massage bars, I am loyal to my Each Peach and Twos a Pair which I am forever using and always repurchasing. However, when this was introduced into my life, I was wary but I have now fallen in love with it - and might be wanting to purchase another one just before they disappear forever. Also just before Valentines is over, I think - due to rumours - these might appear in the Lush Kitchen. One initial sniff, I thought it might be similar to Rosey Cheeks Fresh Facial Mask - which is does hint as being the same scent family. The bar is moisturising, feels amazing when glided over the skin with the scent not being too overpowering - which some of the massage bars can be. I love using this after shaving my legs - especially as it kills the redness caused my shaving. This massage bar contains: Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter, Fair Trade Shea Butter, Organic Jojoba Oil, Rose Hip Syrup, Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel, Neroli Oil, Organic Lemon Myrtle Oil and Fresh Rose Petals. Lovely massage bar overall and definitely one that I did not think I would grab for over and over again. For this massage bar: £5.95.
I still have another one to try out of the collection, but overall I am loving the products from this limited edition Valentine's Day Collection for 2016.
Love, Becky x