One product, that I will always re-purchase, is Avobath. Avobath is one of their more simply designed bath bombs, including lush imprinted on the top of the bath bomb. It's main ingredients are, Fresh Avocados, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Lemongrass Oil. This bath bomb is a massive pick me up when you are in a bad mood. It's also good if you need a good awake me up bath in the morning. Definitely sets you up for the day. The bath bomb fizzes really well and leaves your bath and beautiful green colour - which in itself makes me very happy.

In other news, the Lush Oxford Street opened which is the largest store they have opened to date. With three floors and a new spa - which includes a new treatment entitled "The Planets". Oh Yeah and 200 new products - which of course I will be reviewing as I discover the new products they have to offer.
Love, Becky.
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