During my gap year from University, I was looking into ways of creating a bit of income before returning to my degree. Throughout the years, my family have used eBay to sell unwanted items, which would otherwise gather dust in a cupboard or take up space in the garage. It was this idea that I decided to really look into how to sell stuff on eBay, create a bit of profit for myself and have enough money to do my own bits and pieces before returning to my degree. I have now been selling stuff on eBay for just over a year and I thought it would only be fair to share my experience and what I have learnt during my time as an eBay seller.
How To: eBay
Before you decided to sell on eBay, you need the stuff to sell. I initially sold a lot of stuff I had in storage - these included toys from my childhood, as well as items my sister had given me to sell, before I decided to clear out my wardrobe and put it all up for sale on eBay. I have since, been having regular clear outs and listing them on eBay to continue to earn that little bit extra. You can sell nearly everything on eBay, but there are some rules and eBay are strict at sticking to them. For example, if you are selling make-up or beauty items, they cannot be used item because of the health and safety rules.
Once you have collected your items, you have to list them on your eBay. Firstly, you need to title the item. In the title it's a good idea to include the make/store of the item, the size (if it's clothing or shoes) and a short description of the item. For example "Matalan Papaya Curve Size 26 Pink Striped Shirt". This will help to select a category for the item to go under. Makes it easier for people when they are searching eBay.
It also includes taking a picture of the item. Now you do not need a fancy camera - the camera on your phone is perfect, but it's how you take the picture. I would recommend taking them on a neutral background, where the potential buyer can clearly see the item - for example if you are selling a shirt, it's a good idea to place the item on a hanger - then hook it onto something where there is little to nothing in the background. If the item has been used, it's good to include photographs of any damage or marks the item may have - for example if you are selling a pair of shoes that you have worn once or twice - take a picture of the sole so the potential buyer can see how much ware and tear there is to the shoe. If you have a good number of pictures for the potential buyer to see, they are less unlikely to ask a million questions about the item.
Once you've taken your pictures, now it's time to add your details about the item. Firstly there is a section to state whether the item is new or used. Here, if the item is used - you will be given a section to comment - I would put how many times the item has been worn or used. Next you get to sections to add a description. I would include the same details as in the title of the item, but also what condition the item is in and how many times it has been worn. You then get a section which allows to add item specifics - these might be automatically filled in, but it's a good idea to make sure the brand/make is filled in and if there is a section to add size - especially for clothing.
Once you've done that it's time to deal with pricing. If you are auctioning the item, it is good to start the price low - you never know the item could be popular and it could generate an interest and a bidding war! I usually start my items at 99p if they have been worn a bit more than others and some that are fairly new or worn a couple of times, I will start it at either £1.00 or £1.50. If you know an item is worth a bit of money and do not want it to go through an auction, you can set it at a Buy It Now price. This process allows you to sell items quicker. Also remember with both, you can set how long the item is listed for, depending how quickly you want the item to sell. Lastly, make sure you set the correct postage and packaging price. The potential buyer pays this, so do you're homework when it comes to which parcel service you plan on using and charge the right prices.
So, all you items have sold and it's now time to send them out to all your buyers. Firstly, make sure you get enough parcel stuff - this includes envelopes, boxes, sticky tape, labels and stamps (if required). Wait until the buyer has paid you before sending anything, once the money has landed in PayPal (which is the best thing to use), then parcel the item up - making sure to clearly write the address - use Sharpies - cause the address is bold enough for your parcel service to understand and read. Make sure to put your address on the back as the return address in case the parcel gets lost - they can send it back to you. Lastly, make sure your parcels are sealed tightly - therefore no-one can open your parcel and nick the item inside and therefore not creating more problems on the other end for you. If your parcel service has a tracking number, I would suggest adding it to the order - before marking it as dispatched - therefore your buyer will be able to track their item.
All your items are sent, you can sit back and relax or like I do raid the cupboards for more items to sell. However, do not forget about them completely. Hopefully, when the buyer receives the item they will post feedback on your eBay. You want to aim for positive feedback, 100% of the time and hopefully if you do everything correctly you will. It's also good to give feedback to the buyer, just a short message to say thank you and you hope they enjoy the item.
I would also recommend downloading the eBay app for your phone. Therefore you can keep track of your listings on the go and reply to any questions, especially if you are away from your computer. Also remember to keep a check on your eBay fees, which they alert you about monthly.
Here's a recap:
- Take decent photographs, a plenty of them, especially if you are selling something used!
- Give as much detail about the item in the description - less questions from the buyer!
- Make sure you are charging the correct Postage and Packaging
- Use PayPal, it's really keeps your money safe!
- Plenty of packaging supplies
- Use Sharpies - when writing addresses
- Include tracking numbers when you mark the item as dispatched
- Leave feedback to the buyer!
- Download the eBay app - good for on the move
- Enjoy it - it's like having your own shop!
I really do hope this helps. As I always say I am not an expert. These are just tips and tricks I have pick up along the way in the last year and a bit. I enjoy listing stuff and seeing items I no longer love, being loved by someone else. I have also become a buyer, and love picking up a bargain on eBay myself - which I am wondering - would you like to see a blog post on my eBay finds? Please let me know in the comments!
Happy ebaying!!!
Until next time,
Becky xxx
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