Summer Shower Gel Go To's
Happy Hippy Shower Gel

Calacas Shower Gel

Avoshower Shower Gel
Avoshower is definitely the shower gel I find myself grabbing on these hot and humid days. The zesty scent of the Fresh Lemongrass Infusion will definitely be picking you up in the morning ready for the day in the sun and also cool you down in the evening when you have been sunned out. Lush describe this "Showers don't mean a thing if they ain't got that zing." You'll be definitely feeling that zing when you wake have woken up in the shower. Again, this is a brilliant one to use when the idea of getting up and getting in the shower is a drag. If you are feeling daring, and want to brave a bath in the heat, then definitely use this alongside Lush regular Avobath! Unfortunately, which disappoints me greatly is that this product is a Lush Kitchen exclusive. For this 250g bottle: £10.95.
Grass Shower Gel
Grass well defiantly get you in the summer mood. With smelling exactly like freshly cut grass from more morning walk in the park with the dog. Lush describe this "that's like a roll in the hay or a walk through a summer morning wood." So, if you want to continue that fresh scent into your morning shower, then definitely pick up a bottle or two and quickly as unfortunately this is one of the products Lush is discontinuing, so stock up as soon as you can. With this product containing Wheatgrass, which is a good for giving your skin a load of enzymes, vitamins and minerals which will help with maintaining healthy skin - which is key in the summer with the exposure to the sun. For this 250g bottle: £9.95.
Beautiful Shower Gel
Beautiful is a Lush Oxford Street exclusive that is definitely a good one to add to cooling shower gel range. With its subtle Fresh Peach Juice, scent which is good for those who don't take well to strong citrus scents. Lush describe this "You've got to get up every morning with a smell on your face, With a little helping hand from this shower gel." Like it says on the bottle, this is your go to in the morning when you need that little extra push to get things started. Again, this shower gel will get you smiling and feeling beautiful as it feels like pouring liquid gold all over yourself as you start you day on the right foot. It is also a good choice when you want to keep that happy feeling going when you day has ended. For this 250g bottle: £9.50.
These are my selection, that I am tending to reach for during this rare heatwave in the UK. I find these are all working a treat in order to keep myself cool, especially someone who doesn't take well to hot climates. I understand that to some other countries, who have normal seasons (in the UK this doesn't exist) I doesn't seem like it is boiling hot here, but for UK folk who are not use to such hot temperatures - it is boiling for us.
Hope this was a helpful post :)
Love, Becky x
P.S On Instagram: Comment under the picture linked to this post with what shower gels you grab on a sunny day :) use the hashtag #misstotallybecky. Also while your there you can follow me @misstotallybecky.
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