Blogmas Day Two: My Favourite Christmas Films
I love nothing more during the festive season than putting on a Christmas Film. Whether that's snuggling up all cosy on the sofa or in bed, one on while wrapping up presents and sometimes even while I'm doing the housework! Putting on a Christmas Film, really get's me in the mood for Christmas - especially when I start watching them at the beginning of November. I thought I would share my favourites - so here are my top 5 films I enjoy over the Christmas Season.
1. Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer (1998)
I remember getting this film for Christmas when I was little and falling in love with and watching it over and over again. Back then I got it on VHS, which meant every time I wanted to watch it I had to keep rewinding the video. However, at the beginning of this year, it popped into my mind and I wondered if I was still able to get it. I could not remember what it was called and the only details I could remember was Whoopi Goldberg was one of the voices and it featured the Christmas song "Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney. Luckily I was able to find it on Amazon and I purchased it in June this year! When it arrive I watched it immediately and remembered every detail as soon as I put it in the DVD player. It's a fun animation, featuring festive tunes and lots of well known actors and actresses doing the voices. I give this film a 3/5.
2. White Christmas (1954)
I love an old fashioned film, especially if it features anything to do with musicals. White Christmas, which stars Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye is perfect for this time of year. I always put this on when I'm wrapping presents or like I did again this year when I was putting up the Christmas Tree. I also enjoy watching this film with my mum, she loves it when I put it on. This film is the definition of Christmas and features the famous "White Christmas" sung by Bing Crosby. The songs are amazing, but there is an element that makes me cry happy tears every time. I also love the costumes in this film - especially what the two girls, played by Rosemary Clooney and Vera-ElIen. I give this film a 4/5.
3. Love Actually (2003)
I do not think you can go through the whole festive season without watching Love Actually. I love the individual stories, that intertwine throughout the film. My favourite stories include Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon and the one including Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson. It's a really easy to watch film, nice to snuggle up on the sofa with a blanket and a box of Roses. I put it on when I want to chill out after a day at work or doing something festive. This is also my Dad's favourite Christmas film and I'll happily put it on and watch it with him over the christmas season. I give this film a 3/5.
4. Arthur Christmas (2011)
Oh my days this film is amazing. This animation film is an amazing story of how the North Pole works on Christmas Eve and how Arthur Christmas saves the day. The voices in this film are amazing - including Hugh Laurie and Jim Broadbent and it's perfect to watch with all members of the family - old and young. I discovered this Christmas film by accident one year and fell in love with it. This along with the first film are two of my favourite animations to watch during Christmas. The animation is also incredible in the film - really well made. I give this film a 4/5.
5. Elf (2003)
Now it would not be a top 5 Christmas film list without featuring Elf. Elf is on this list for two reasons. One, it's an amazing film, funny and I love Will Farrell, Two - this film as a special connection in regards to my first ever visit to New York in America. Back in 2004, I spent Christmas and New Year in America - firstly I spent three days in New York and then the rest of the holiday in Boston. When I watch Elf, I am remind of being able to see all the festive celebrations that feature in the film knowing that I have experience it. Especially when it comes to seeing the Rockerfella Centre Christmas Tree - I remember gasping when I saw the tree for the first and only time. I also think that this film is quite innocent and embodies definitely the inner child we all have when it comes to Christmas. I give this film a 5/5 - come on I had too!
These are my favourites that I make sure to watch every christmas and I plan on watching them all before and after Christmas hehe. Tell me your favourites and do you agree with my list?
Until Next Time,
Becky xxx
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